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Everything inside your box is what is use in our Red Tent Circles.


Each box contains:
• 100ml Sacred Essence Spray. For grounding, clearing and meditation

• Prayer Bundle - Palo Santo/dried roses

• Intention Incense blend of mugwort/lavender/frankincense/rose petals/cassia bark/heather

• 20g of Cacao

• Goddess Oracle Card with message

• Rose quartz
• Charcoal disc


Each box comes with full instructions.


Please note: when lighting the charcoal disc and the prayer bundle be sure to place in a fireproof dish. You may want to avoid cacao if you are on heart medication/pregnant or wear a pace-maker, please research this yourself

The Red Tent Gift Box

SKU: 364115376135191
  • Using the tools within this box you can connect deeply to yourself and your heart centre to experience a Red Tent of your own. Light a candle and set your Intention before you begin.

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